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How much notice do I get?


It varies considerably - from a couple of days to well over a year. I'm usually writing 10-12 speeches at any one time so less than a week's notice is difficult unless I'm just being asked to 'improve' a speech already written. In terms of wedding speeches the best man tends to give the shortest notice. Generally he is young, the wedding and the stag will involve significant expense and understandably he hopes to avoid spending more on a speech - until the last minute when he will often panic and I will get a call! The father-of-the bride will usually be older and better off, and the cost of a good speech will not add significantly to what he may have contributed towards the wedding. Typically he might give me 2 or 3 months notice. The groom usually falls somewhere between the other two. What is ideal? 4-6 weeks is good but I will always try to help anyone even if it is very short notice.

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